Client spotlight: How Mihai Zant upgraded his online program for more client reach and impact

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How mihai zant upgraded

Discover how Flowtimize helped Mihai Zant enhance his online program to empower coaches and professionals globally.

Mihai Zant: International coach, trainer, and entrepreneur with expertise in corporate HR, marketing, and training.

Niche: Guiding aspiring coaches and professionals in transforming their skills into successful, impactful coaching businesses.

Here’s what we cover:

1. Mihai’s background and current focus

2. How Mihai chose his niches

3. The motivation behind upgrading the program

4. The initial structure of Coaching afterSchool

5. How the upgrade process unfolded and the framework used to simplify content creation and delivery

6. The results and impact on Mihai’s clients

7. The most impactful part of working with Flowtimize

Mihai’s #1 piece of advice for aspiring coaches: Start simple, focus on value, and scale your impact from there. You don’t need a big studio – just a clear vision and the right guidance.

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